Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Welcome to the official blog of the Micro Gallery! Whether you're already familiar with our antics or have no idea what this is all about we hope you'll check back from time to time to keep up with us.

The gallery was started by Disney artists seeking a creative outlet.
Working in a studio environment it's easy to forget to do art for ourselves. We often find ourselves wondering what the person who sits five feet away from us every day draws in their spare time as well... or at least, what they would be drawing if they weren't as tired at the end of the day as we are.
Something had to be done.

Due to lack of proper wall space, this after-hours project started out on a small scale.
Micro paintings in a micro-space!
Interest in the gallery show sparked fast. Only two rules were established:
1. Artwork had to be small
2. No digital art allowed! We all needed a forced break from staring at a screen all day.

While the scale remains small, our scope is slowly growing, and our friends within and without Disney studios have taken interest and inspiration from the work that we ourselves find inspiring and rewarding.

Wow. That seems like a mouthful. More images and a few less words to follow.
Check back soon, and pardon our dust while we get this up and running :)

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